Please prepare a Windows computer and components as below before we get started:

STEP1: Download Mind+ Programming Software

Open the webpage and download:

STEP2: Install Driver

After downloaded and installed the software, open and click “Learning” to learn how to install driver(Follow the next step in the video).

  1. Click to open Learning ->Video Tutorials.

  2. Click the related tutorial, and play the video.

  1. Install the SerialPort driver according to the instruction.
    And you just need to install the driver for once.

STEP3: Switch to “Offline” mode

  1. Click “Code” icon at the right corner to switch mode(The old version has been changed to “code”).
  2. Switched to Offline mode successfully(Seeing the Upload is successfully).

STEP4: Select micro: bit

  1. Click “Project”-> “New Project” at the upper-left corner.
    1. Click “Extensions” at the lower-left corner
    2. Click “Board”
    3. Click “Micro: bit”

STEP5: Edit a simple program

Edit a program to display a pattern on micro: bit LED panel:

  1. Drag the blocks we do not need currently to “command area” to remove it.
  1. Click “micro: bit” module
  1. Drag “display pattern” block onto “Script” area.
  2. Place “display pattern” block under the “micro: bit starts” block

STEP6: Upload to device

  1. Connect micro: bit board to your computer via USB, then the power indicator on the board will light up.
  1. Click “Connect Device” in the menu bar, then click “COM-micro: bit” in the drop-down menu to connect micro: bit board to the computer.
  2. When connected, edit your programs and click “Upload” to upload the programs to your board (if the connection fails, then it will prompt “No Device Connected”. There will be a prompt box to display the uploading progress. When the program is updated, the prompt box will disappear.

micro: bit power indicator flashes only when uploading the program, and stops flashing and keeps ON after the upload is completed.
Try uploading a program to your micro: bit board, and make the board display an “love heart” for you!

  1. Result,The screen shows a heart icon.